[This story, from a local paper, does a good job laying out the dilemma facing short wave broadcasting. Translated from French, not all that well, by moi. Editorial comments in italics. -Hugh]
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Bad Waves of Montsinéry
Nicolas CAMUS
France-Guyane 19.02.2013
The TDF international short wave broadcast center located at
Montsinéry will close in April.
Caption from missing photo: --The Montsinéry center has
five transmitters of 500 kilowatts (kW) each. For comparison, the power of an
FM transmitter is 1 kW. (HG)--
These are the waves of another time. A time when internet
did not exist, and the only accessible public information channels in many countries came from governments reluctant to open up. The
international center established in Montsinéry, Guyana to broadcast
this wave will close its doors on April 1.
Built in 1981 by TDF (formerly TéléDiffusion de France), and
becoming operational in 1984, a set of four giant transmitters - and five in
1993 - enabled international stations like the BBC or RFI to reach all of the
Americas, plus West Africa and Australia.
But it is no longer up to date. "There are several
reasons: competition from Internet and satellite platforms, and also the fact
that many developing countries that were our main targets are now more stable
politically," explains René Iafrate.
[Thank goodness someone is willing to admit that the end of the Cold War is why governments stopped funding SWBC, and not just take the easy way out by blaming newer technology. -Hugh]
The territorial delegate in charge of TDF Guyana admits:
"Shortwave is no longer attractive and the market collapsed. Our budget is
now one quarter of our expenses." In these conditions, it is difficult to operate
the site, which is the electric company's largest customer. It is not the only
one closed. The island of Bonaire (off Venezuela) and Sackville (Canada)
suffered the same fate.
I must say that consumption patterns have changed. [Literal translation - verb in the first person. -Hugh] If the
radio is still an excellent way for expatriates to stay in touch with news of
their country, they are listening on a computer or via satellite TV. "It's
simple. The short wave requires frequency changes, and it is often of lower
quality, so it is less comfortable, "says René Iafrate.
[Ignoring that technology is available to make SWBC work better, were anyone willing to spend the money, when cheaper alternatives exist. -Hugh]
Chosen for its location of "interesting strategic
level" to reach three different continents, the Montsinéry site will be
dismantled in six to nine months. TDF will offer the six employees of the site a
training plan to work in the fields of TNT or FM. These sectors have more
[Undoubtedly true. I would assume "TNT" refers to something relating to network television, not the manufacture of explosives, though that has a future as well. -Hugh]