Sunday, December 12, 2010

Greenland: KNR closes MW/SW

Google translation (not always good) of the Danish language site:

Greenland: KNR closes between wave [MW, also closing SWBC -Hugh]

Friday 10th December 2010
By Stig Hartvig Nielsen

For more than 50 years, the Greenlandic radio KNR, has been broadcast on medium wave.

From five different forward positions, sea and the entire west coast of Greenland were covered by KNRs radio program. But on 11 February 2011 [KNR will turn] off the five AM radio transmitters, and KNR will then only be audible in Greenlandic towns on FM.

It is the Department of Housing, Infrastructure and Transport in Greenland, which has decided to dismantle the five medium-wave transmitters, respectively: Upernavik (810 kHz), Uummannaq (900 kHz), Qeqertarsuaq (650 kHz), Nuuk (570 kHz) and Simiutaq (720 kHz). The transmitters are between 5 and 10 kW.

Head Mads Byrialsen from Home Rule to disclose that medium wave facilities are very old, and therefore would be expensive to continue to maintain.

"There is also an extensive network of FM transmitters along the coast, covering all cities and villages and sea near inhabited areas. There are very few who could not hear KNR radio via FM transmitters. It was as a result it estimated that the resources used for maintenance of medium wave facilities may be used more efficiently for other purposes, "says Byrialsen further.

Fishermen and others sailing on the high seas, trappers, hunters and others inside the fjords, people on the ice cap, listeners in Canada and [others will therefore be] precluded thereby from [hearing] KNR. From 11 February next year it will only be in Greenlandic towns and villages, you could hear the KNR. The vast majority of FM transmitters here uses [transmitter powers] between 10 and 50 watts, and has a very limited range.

Mads Byrialsen stresses, however, that this will be very few people who lose the opportunity to hear KNR, and that there are security implications.

It will still be possible to communicate with coast radio and there will four times daily - year round - at 08.05, 12.05, 18.05 and 22.05 Greenlandic time - will be sent weather reports on coastal radio VHF working channels. Broadcasts are 12.05 and 22.05 will be reruns. Fishermen and people moving in nature, will therefore still be able to hear the weather forecast.

Also end with a short wave from Greenland

In the past few years, the main news broadcasts from KNR has been broadcast on a low power SSB shortwave broadcasts from the Greenlandic town of Tasiilaq. These broadcasts also disbanded at 11 February.

Mads Byrialsen indicate that users of the lake is served by KNR's weather announcements will be broadcast over the 4 VHF working channels in the area. "There are so far indicated a very limited number of seagoing ships which are resident in Tasiilaq," adds Mads Byrialsen.

Previously there has been quite other plans - namely that the five medium-wave transmitters on the west coast were replaced by one or two powerful AM short wave transmitters located on Telegraføen at Nuuk. This or these transmitters could cover not only all of Greenland but also all the waters where Greenlandic fishermen come. But those plans were abandoned.

"Plans for an AM short wave transmitter at Telegraføen off Nuuk were downsized during the negotiations for DVBT. The investment was more than 5 million. And the annual operating costs were too high. Furthermore, it was estimated that few users would invest in a shortwave receiver, and that the quality would otherwise be questionable and very dependent on atmospheric phenomena," explains Mads Byrialsen.

On 11 February 2011 8 is the end

All Greenland between wave ends closed on 11 February at 08:00 West Greenland time. Medium Wave plants will be decommissioned immediately after closing, and [not] maintained so hence not operational in any emergency. It would cost Tele Greenland 1.5 million good kr annually to maintain forward clean.