Field Day is a great exercise, and the competition for points maintains incentive to operate the whole 24 hours. The knowledge of Murphy's Law thus gained is invaluable for radio communication in disaster situations. The various go-bags and deployable equipment systems developed by the clubs are a definite emergency asset. The self-confidence in knowing that one can actually do this isn't bad either.
The contest gives extra points for copying the Field Day message and submitting your copy. There are several opportunities.
From ARRL:
(Times UTC)
SATURDAY CW 1400 Phone 1500 CW 0000 (Sun) Digital 0100 Phone 0145 SUNDAY CW 1400 Phone 1500 Digital 1600 K6KPH Field Day Bulletin Schedule SATURDAY CW 1403 CW 0030 (Sun) Digital 0130 SUNDAY CW 1430 Digital 1630
W1AW will operate on its regularly published frequencies.
CW frequencies are 1.8025, 3.5815, 7.0475, 14.0475, 18.0975, 21.0675, 28.0675 and 147.555 MHz.
Digital frequencies are 3.5975, 7.095, 14.095, 18.1025, 21.095, 28.095 and 147.555 MHz.
Phone frequencies are 1.855, 3.990, 7.290, 14.290, 18.160, 21.390, 28.590 and 147.555 MHz.
W1AW will transmit the Field Day bulletin using 45.45-baud Baudot, PSK31 in BPSK mode and MFSK16.
The Maritime Radio Historical Society station K6KPH will transmit the W1AW Field Day 2013 bulletin for the benefit of West Coast stations on 3.5815, 7.0475, 14.0475, 18.0975 and 21.0675 MHz using CW.
K6KPH will transmit the Field Day bulletin using Baudot, FEC AMTOR, BPSK31 and MFSK16 on 7.095 and 14.095 MHz.
The K6KPH schedule is accurate as of June 17, 2013.
Any additional transmissions or changes in the schedule will be posted on the web at, w1aw sked.pdf.