Sunday, January 05, 2014

Canadian CG on 2595 May Be VOK on 2598

Martin Foltz, who listens from Southern California, writes:

There was a log by Mario Filippi in NJ on your blog in November.

2595.0 Unknown-Canadian Coast Guard 0214 USB voice synthesized "female" with maritime weather in English for Canadian waters, then switched to "male" in French. 11/22/13
[...] there is a listing for MCTS Port aux Basques/VOJ for a broadcast at 0207UTC on 2598 kHz. Starts with English and then French. Seems to fit.
Indeed, the Canadian publication listing these frequencies does not have a 2595, but it does show the sked Martin mentioned on 2598*. I think we've solved this one. Thanks, Martin, and happy new year!

*Frequency corrected  1/11/14.