Utility Planet is the official blog for the column of the same name in The Spectrum Monitor. It replaces Utility World in the discontinued Monitoring Times magazine. Utilities are all VLF/LF/MF/HF (and sometimes low-band VHF) radio communications except broadcasting, CB, and non-emergency amateur. If you understood the last sentence, you know enough to read this blog.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Pacific Air Route Map
This was made by plotting several hundred aircraft position reports with PC-HFDL and Posfix, then layering the resulting maps with Photoshop. The result was a clear indication of the routes taken by airplanes between the US mainland and Hawaii. These were traced over on a new layer. Then the Posfix plots were dropped out, and the original map was combined with the new darkened lines, and saved as a new Posfix map. Subsequent plots have all been right on.