As usual, a number of old CW coastal stations will participate, and some will QSL. KPH itself QSLs on authentic RCA radiogram blanks that were in the station when it was re-occupied, usually typing them out with a telegrapher's "mill."
Here's this year's announcement from Richard Dillman:
The annual Maritime Radio Historical Society "Night of Nights" event is less than [two weeks] away.
This will be the tenth annual Night of Nights!
Every year on 12 July (US time) many famous coast stations return to the air to commemorate what was then thought to be the last commercial Morse stations in the USA.
Since then MRHS coast station KSM has taken to the air and three other commercial coast stations have received licenses for operation in the MF band (KNE, KDR and WFT). Historic ships have reactivated their radio consoles and are active on MF and HF.
The purpose of Night of Nights is to emphasize the objective of the MRHS: to preserve the skills, traditions and culture of the men and women who came before us and who made the profession of radiotelegrapher one of honor and skill.
This year stations KPH, and KSM will be on the air. We anticipate that KFS will be on the air as well. We hope that US Coast Guard stations NMC, NOJ and NMN will join us as they did last year.
Amateur station K6KPH will guard 3550, 7050 and 14050kc for reception reports.
Preliminary information has been posted on the MRHS Web site:
Check back often for updated information as it becomes available.
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VY 73,