From Mario Filippi, NJ:
2598.0 Saint John's Coast Guard Radio-Canadian Coast Guard MCTS St. John's, NL (VON) 0017 USB Male voice with maritime weather for Southwest Grand Banks, Northeast Coast, Hawk Island Banks, etc. Signed at 0020. (12/27/13) (MF)
5000.0 WWVH-US National Institute of Standards & Technology 1100 AM Standard time & frequency signals, HI, female voice ID at minute+45. [Not that easy in NJ given distance, WWVH's pattern, and other stations on frequency. -Hugh] (1/15/14) (MF)
6604.0 Gander Radio-North Atlantic Volmet, Canada 1152 USB Voice-synthesized male with aviation weather for Gander, St. Johns, etc. (12/29/13) (MF)