All received in Southern California in spring 2016. All soundings in 2G ALE, except for one call from 6030 to 5290 on 22921.6.
2025.6 6051 6543 6602 6603 6640
2726.0 6051 6491 6602 6603 6640
3355.1 5313 6051 6052 6491 6543 6602 6603 6620 6640
3393.6 5313 6051 6052 6491 6543 6602 6603 6640
5038.5 6640
6335.6* 3031
6981.1 5311 5810 6030 6051 6052 6191 6203 6400 6491 6543 6601 6602
6603 6620 6640 6714 6780
7480.0 1616 5286 5287 5290 5311 5312 5313 5420 5810 5950 6030 6051
6052 6053 6191 6203 6400 6491 6541 6542 6543 6601 6602 6603
6620 6640 6714 6743 6780 13536
10389.6 3033 5190 5287 5311 5312 5313 5420 5287 5810 5826 5897 5898
5899 5950 6030 6052 6203 6400 6543 6601 6602 6603 6620 6640
6714 6741 6743 6780
14441.6 3033 5190 5311 5313 6030 6203 6601 6741
17492.6 5190 5420 5520 5810 5897 5898 5950 6030 6203 6790 13536
20200.1 5090 5287 5290 5400 5420 5520 5810 5950 6030 6191 6203 6260
6714 6790
22738.0* 2002
22921.6 3033 5090 5190 5290 5400 5420 5520 5810 5950 6030 6191 6714
8356 7570
*ShipCom / ARINC UrgentLink frequency. It is not known why DVA ID's
would turn up on ShipCom/ ARINC UrgentLink frequencies,or even if they
are real DVA calls.
In addition, 7480 is an Operation SECURE frequency in the US, and the
reason for its inclusion in the DVA allocation is not known.