This is my latest list of Japanese fishery shore station call signs and licensees. It's a composite of two lists found online, one from 2014 and in Japanese, and one much older one that's apparently a straight dump of the government list. Many stations that only use VHF or 27 MHz don't show an international call sign at all, but those aren't relevant for an HF list anyway.
The original structure of Japanese 3-letter calls reserved the entire JF- block for fishery. The JHx block has some fishery use as well. Most, but not all, of the stations are licensed to prefectural fisheries. They work fishing vessels at sea, and some take daily CQs on ITU maritime channels.
Modes used are CW (International Morse and Wabun codes), USB voice, and occasionally fax or digital. We get frequent rumors that more advanced military modes and frequencies might have occasional fishery use, but there's not enough hard information to say either way.
The list:
JFA Matsudo Radio
JFB Tokushima Prefecture Radio Fishery Cooperative Association
JFC (1-7) Kanagawa Prefecture (Misaki Fishery Radio Station)
JFD Ishikawa Prefecture Fisheries Cooperative Association
JFE Okinawa Prefecture Fisheries
JFF Miyagi Fishery Radio Station
JFG Shizuoka Prefecture Fisheries
JFH Mie Prefectural Fishery (Hamashima Fishery Radio Station)
JFI Kasumi fishery
JFJ May be unused
JFK Shimonoseki Fishery
JFK2 Akkeshi Radio Association
JFL Suzaki Fishery
JFM Kochi Prefectural Fishery (Muroto Fishing)
JFN Tobata
JFO Fukuoka Fishery
JFP Miyazaki Prefecture Fishery (Aburatsubo Fishery)
JFQ Makurazaki Fishery
JFR Nagasaki Prefectural Fishery
JFR2 Nagasaki Prefectural Fishery
JFS Aomori Prefectural Fishery
JFT Kamaishi Fishery
JFU Ishinomaki Fishery
JFV Kesennuma
JFW Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries (Iwaki Fishery)
JFX Kagoshima Prefecture Fisheries (Kagoshima Fishery Radio Station)
JFY Wakkanai Fishery
JFZ Kushiro machine fishing fishery cooperative - Shiroko Fishery, Hokkaido
JHA Ibaraki Fishery
JHC Chiba Prefectural Fishery
JHE Ehime Prefecture Wireless Fisheries Cooperative Association
JHU Nemuro Fishery Cooperative Association
JSB Hokkaido Board of Education, HS fishing program
4312501 Ofunato Fishing (Only identification given - has HF authorization)
In addition, JFC, JFW, and JFX are known to keep a daily schedule of fax transmissions on the common frequencies of 6414.5, 8658.0, 13074.0, 16907.5, and 22559.6 kHz. There are probably others. Fax is often tuned 1.9 kHz below the internationally listed frequencies.
Martin Foltz in California has been quite successful in getting E-QSLs from some of these stations.