Noble Skywave is an interesting global military exercise, which is run in the manner of a ham radio contest. Teams get points for each HF contact, and distance counts. It is run out of Canada
They do it every year in the fall "DX Season." The aim is to develop HF interoperability proficiency. The Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment (CFJSR) is the lead. Typical participants include regular, reserve, and auxiliary members of the Canadian, US, UK, Australia, and New Zealand militaries. This includes the US MARS and the Canadian CFARS, which have discussed the exercise on recent joint nets. Other countries are invited to participate, and several usually do.
Optional signal checks begin October 21st at 1300Z. The competition begins on October 22nd at 1000Z. It ends October 23rd at 1900Z. 8557 and 9962 kHz have been mentioned as net frequencies. Alternates are to be determined.
Details for this year are at