Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WWV Geoalert to Cease in September!

The US NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has issued the following bulletin pertaining to the WWV "Geoalert" at 18 minutes after the hour:

On 06 September 2011 the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) will discontinue the broadcast of its synoptic Geo-Alert products on the WWV and WWVH radio stations starting with the 12 UTC products. These products are operationally available via the following two other mechanisms:

*SWPC's Product Subscription Service at https://pss.swpc.noaa.gov.
The WWV product can be found under the "Forecast and Summaries" section.

* SWPC's Web page - http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/wwv.txt

Customer comments and questions related to the cessation of this service can be directed to SWPC by sending email to swpc.wwv@noaa.gov by 30 June 2011.

I would imagine that this decision was made for the usual government budget reasons, since practically everyone, myself included, gets the numbers over the Internet. Still, it's kind of sad to watch everything on the radio go away one piece at a time.