Tuesday, November 01, 2011

HFDL System Table Now at #47!

Yes, that's right.  Before I was able to post the new PCHFDL.DAT file for ARINC HFDL System Table #43, they put out another one... and another one... and another one... (total is five in about a week).

Obviously, there has not been an opportunity to catch up, and so the file will not be uploaded until this settles down.  Meanwhile, leave PC-HFDL going on a strong ground station all day, until it sends the table out to somebody.  The program will then update itself, and frequencies will replace the numbers.

Also, the changes in all five tables have been very minor.  One can still use old lists and spreadsheets to look up freqs manually.  A hassle, yes, but it works.  Keep in mind that freqs are numbered from the highest down.  Yes, that's right.  San Francisco is using 21943 (F-1) right now.  Gotta love solar peaks.