Monday, February 08, 2010

New Pchfdl.dat Is Up

A new version of pchfdl.dat, the ARINC system table #35 (0x0023) file for PC-HFDL, has been tested here and found to work properly. It came from the files section of the HFDL mailing list. I've also made it available here at this column's web site.

Close PC-HFDL if you have it open, go to the configs folder of the program's home directory, and rename the old file to something like oldpchfdl.dat . Download this new file as a binary and place it in the configs folder. Restart PC-HFDL. If the system table shows as #35, you're there.

The pchfdl.txt file that supplies the names of the ground stations to PC-HFDL has also been tweaked a bit to finally reflect the name change to PANAMA. It, too, is available on the web site, and should be added to the configs folder in the same manner described above.