Tuesday, November 01, 2011

PCHFDL.DAT File for System Table #47

This file has been used on this computer to successfully update two different versions of PC-HFDL to System Table #47. The numbers changed to frequencies on both. 

I make no other guarantees, because it has not been tested on anyone else's machine.  Use at your own risk.  It won't hurt your computer, but it might not update PC-HFDL.  It should be downloaded as a binary file, and saved anywhere convenient.

In order to use it, first close PC-HFDL. Find the PC-HFDL program directory, go to the folder named "configs," and rename the existing PCHFDL.DAT to something else. Copy this new one in, and rename it PCHFDL.DAT.  Start PC-HFDL and pray.  If frequencies appear instead of numbers, it worked.

If it didn't work, close PC-HFDL again, delete PCHFDL.DAT, and rename the old one back to that name.  Then start PC-HFDL back up.

The link is: