Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Some More Google Earth Coordinates

38.379126, -121.762193
Google Earth recently added high-res imagery of the Dixon, CA area. The HFDL ground station is on the old VOA site, along with some Globe Wireless assets. Nice antenna farm!

56° 4'56.40"N 37° 5'25.71"E
Russian station UVB 76, source of The Buzzer (S28), a numbers station which emits only an intermittent buzzing sound 24/7/52 on 4625 kHz. We know it's a channel marker because it has been interrupted 3 times (that we know of) for short voice messages in Russian. Possibly military. Note the little roads extending away from the transmitter building and dipole antenna, leading to other antennas in the woods, or ??????